Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Did Walmart explode in my kids room?

Yay for a snow day.  I have had the chance to work on this challenge all morning.  Separating every toy into categories and finding the best arrangement for them took a longggg time, but i am thrilled with the results.    Luckily before Christmas little man went through all of his toys and donated a bag full to Goodwill so I didn't have much to get rid of.  His closet is a nice size but it has a lot of wasted space at the bottom that could be utilized better with shelving, (did you hear that hint, honey).

Of course all of his toys didn't fit in the closet so we use a nice sized bookshelf with cubbies to contain costumes,  construction toys, cars, cars, and more cars.  You see I did attempt this project before but the toys were not separated into distinct categories.
I used the large red cubbies for big items and used some handy dandy plastic containers for legos, lincoln logs, matchbox cars, etc...  It looks so much better, all I need are some pretty labels to remind little man to put things back in the right spot. I am also making a rule that if it doesn't fit in the bin something must come out before something new can come in. 
The closet still needs some work, but it looks ten times better I think.  He got a ton of big remote control trucks for Christmas that I put in the large tote and then just stacked his train set on top of it.  Most of his clothes fit in his dresser except for the few dressier items that I like to hang.  I hope to do some more work in this closet soon, so any suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by please come again!

Check out A Bowl Full of Lemons for more inspiration., I sure am.


  1. Looks great! My 3 yo got that talking trash truck for Christmas, and is scared of it. We had to hide it in the back of his closet! Mybe those fabric hanging dividers if you needed more clothing space fot the closet. Or just a small basic bookshelf for more bins. Just a thought.

  2. Looks terrific - great job!

  3. This looks great, you know me I'm a sucker for the red cubbies!



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