Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Laundry Just Got Better

Another snow day here (without any snow typical here in NC).  At any rate I was able to complete challenge number 10, the laundry room.  My space is a laundry closet and leaves a lot to be desired in terms of space.  In our next house a laundry room will be at the top of my list of wants.  I have organized this space several times and within a month it looks the same, I really hope this time is different.

I cant believe I just showed you all this mess, but hey were friends, right.  See that stack of DVD's in the back, yeah why are they in the laundry area.  I took everything out wiped off the washer and dryer and started containerizing and this is what I was left with.

Ten times better, right.  I keep repeating to myself, I will keep it clean, I will keep it clean..... There are a few things that I need to do to make the space more appealing.

  • paint the walls
  • add some decorative ribbon to the shelves like I did here
  • label, label, label
  • find a laundry sign to go on the wall
  • nice front load washers (on my wish list)
So what do you think, how did your laundry organizing go?

Check out A Bowl Full of Lemons for more inspiration.


  1. Wow, I am so impressed that you are this far along in the challenges! I got so bogged down with the pantry that it's going to take me a while to get caught up. Love those happy green baskets, and just so you know, I frequently have a pile of DVDs on my washer too, for no explicable reason.

    Great job!

  2. Looks great! Your space looks almost just like mine.

  3. love the green bins too! looks great!

  4. I think it looks great considering that you did it so quickly! You must be super happy! Hope you are able to keep inspired to keep it organized!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  5. It looks great. I really need a few shelves in my laundry closet. Everything just piles on top of the machines. Not good.



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