Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Fresh Start

Happy New Year!! I hope that 2011 brings you all the best! One of my many resolutions this year is to get organized, because an organized home runs much more smoothly. To help motivate me along this process I'm joining in with the 21 day challenge over at A Bowl Full of Lemons, she has a fabulous organization party going on and I am committing myself to complete all of her challenges. For day one the challenge is organizing the "junk" drawer which may sound easy, but i have a whole house full of junk drawers (hence the goal to get organized). I decided to start with two drawers in the kitchen which had everything in it but the kitchen sink. I'm talking broken crayons, batteries, candle lighter and the list goes on and on and on. Here see for yourself.

After emptying the entire contents, cleaning it out with my wonderful Ms. Meyers Basil scented spray, and lots of containerizing this is what I was left with. I used the same divider tray from before but it is much more organized. On the other side I used some thrifted small baskets to hold my sharpie pens (out of sight of my six year old) and a blueberry can holds paper clips.

Is'nt that much much better!!!

Ziploc bags and I are becoming best friends. I labeled one with Things to Donate, and one Find a Home for me. I had lots of magnets that I never use to send to Will (me and GoodWill are on a nickname basis). If you havent tried Mrs. Meyers run out to your local Walmart, Lowes Food, Tarjay (Target again on a nickname basis) and grab a bottle or two it cleans and smells great.

By the way the top of my little organization station doesn't look like this anymore, more like this.

Yes, its on my list to tackle so stay in touch to see this thrifty transformation.

For the month of January I'm joining Words on Wendhurst by getting rid of 111 things. So far 25 items have left the house the bag of clothes which will be donated and the box of house items are headed to the consignment shop to add to my new floor fund. (the floors in the picture are my moms by the way, not the ones I am planning to replace)

Be sure to stop by A Bowl Full of Lemons and Words on Wendhurst for more organizational inspiration.


  1. Fabulous job on the junk drawers. I would need the lidded basket to hide the Sharpies from my husband not my kiddo though. LOL! Looking forward to your 111 in 1/11 updates, I joined up too, and that is how I found you. :)

  2. Looks great!

    Thanks for checking out my space.

  3. Your drawers look great! Love those baskets. Looking forward to reading about more of your progress over the next few weeks!



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